po dlhom case sme sa s kapelou vybrali koncertovat do vzdialenejsieho kutu nasej republiky. ako som dal znat uz z nadpisu, boli to malacky. velmi poucny vylet nam opat mnoho dal. napriklad nabuduce uz urcite berieme aj mapu :) ... velka skoda, ze kvoli pocasiu sme museli hrat v priestoroch kulturneho domu. priestor aj zvuk boli pekne, avsak zdvihnut atmosferu na aku taku uroven v poloprazdnom kine je dost obtiazne. aj napriek tomu vsetkemu sme z malaciek odchadzali so ctou. rad by som si vsak koncert zopakoval na prilahlom nadvori (prvoplanovom mieste koncertu). musim vsak pochvalit malacky, respektive ich kulturne stredisko. tak pekne a vkusne vynovene kino som uz dlho nevidel, aj ked nam tam nezneli alikvotne tony a na troch kilohertzoch to trochu pokrivkavalo ...
The servant design pattern - or better idiom is used to provide the functionality (methods) to some group of objects. This functionality is common for all these object and therefor should not be repeated in every of these classes. The object, which should be served is passed to the method of servant as a parameter. All the served objects should implement common interface - in this particular example IMovable interface. Also the type of argument passed to the servand method is of type IMovable . The servant in this example is used to move objects from one position to another. In real life application these methods should change the position of object in small steps so that the final change would look like smooth movement (animation). In my servant method, only some message are printed instead for demonstration. IMovable interface: package com.shimon.servant; import java.awt.Point; /** * Movable interface * @author shimon * */ public interface IMovable { public void setPos...