neviem ci k tomuto obrazku treba aj nejaky komentar, ale predsa mi to neda. minuly vikend sme sa spolu s mojou priatelkou a nasou kamaratkou vybrali na turu do vysokych tatier. z rana to pre nas nevyzeralo bohvieako ruzovo. my sme si vsak z pocasia tazku hlavu nerobili a mozno aj vdaka nasej dobrej nalade sa postupne pocasie umudrilo a po priblizne polhodinovej ceste cez les sa nam naskytol prekrasny pohlad na hrebene nasich velhor. nasmu vyletu by mozno trochu prospelo keby v autobuse boli aj lozka :) kedze to po nasom vylete to vyzeralo na linke strbske pleso zilina kvoli hladaniu spravnej polohy na spanie takmer ako na gymnastickom prebore...
The servant design pattern - or better idiom is used to provide the functionality (methods) to some group of objects. This functionality is common for all these object and therefor should not be repeated in every of these classes. The object, which should be served is passed to the method of servant as a parameter. All the served objects should implement common interface - in this particular example IMovable interface. Also the type of argument passed to the servand method is of type IMovable . The servant in this example is used to move objects from one position to another. In real life application these methods should change the position of object in small steps so that the final change would look like smooth movement (animation). In my servant method, only some message are printed instead for demonstration. IMovable interface: package com.shimon.servant; import java.awt.Point; /** * Movable interface * @author shimon * */ public interface IMovable { public void setPos...