After reading some chapters of the book "Design patterns" (Navrhove vzory) from czech author Rudolf Pecinovsky, I decided to test my own examples of usage of the design patterns mentioned in this book. In this first post I will publish here a code that is an example of usage of the immutable objects.
As you maybe already know - the immutable objects cannot be changed after their creation. That can be very useful in some situation. In this particular example (which is kind of a english copy of the czech example mentioned in the book "Navrhove vzory") the object, which represents fraction and its operations is created. The main thing here is, that during every operation (method) new instance of class Fraction is created instead of modifying the existing Fraction instance.
Immutable objects can be very useful in concurrent applications - their state cannot be changed, so there is no way they could be corrupted by other threads.
Code example:
As you maybe already know - the immutable objects cannot be changed after their creation. That can be very useful in some situation. In this particular example (which is kind of a english copy of the czech example mentioned in the book "Navrhove vzory") the object, which represents fraction and its operations is created. The main thing here is, that during every operation (method) new instance of class Fraction is created instead of modifying the existing Fraction instance.
Immutable objects can be very useful in concurrent applications - their state cannot be changed, so there is no way they could be corrupted by other threads.
Code example:
package com.shimon.immutable; import com.shimon.immutable.common.Functions; /** * This class defines fractions and needed operations with fractions - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. * @author shimon * */ public class Fraction extends Number{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2522259263216154175L; private final int numerator; private final int denominator; /** * Creates new instance of class Fraction with numerator and denominator passed as parameters. * @param n - numerator of new fraction * @param d - denominator of new fraction */ public Fraction (int n, int d){ if (d == 0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Denominator cannot be zero."); } int divisor = Functions.gcd(n, d); if (d < 0){ n = -n; d = -d; } numerator = n / divisor; denominator = d / divisor; } public Fraction(Fraction f){ numerator = f.numerator; denominator = f.denominator; } public Fraction(int number){ numerator = number; denominator = 1; } /** * Adds a fraction passed as parameter to the Fraction instance. * @param f- fraction to add * @return */ public Fraction plus(Fraction f){ return new Fraction(numerator * f.denominator + f.numerator * denominator, denominator * f.denominator); } public Fraction plus (int number){ return new Fraction(numerator + number * denominator, denominator); } /** * Substracts fraction passed as parameter from the Fraction instance * @param f - fraction to substract * @return */ public Fraction minus(Fraction f){ return new Fraction(numerator * f.denominator - f.numerator * denominator, denominator * f.denominator); } public Fraction minus(int number){ return new Fraction(numerator - number * denominator, denominator); } /** * Subtracts the fraction from the number, which is passed to the method as a parameter. * @param number - number to subtract from * @return */ public Fraction subtractFrom(int number){ return new Fraction(number * denominator - numerator, denominator); } /** * Multiplies the fraction with fraction passed as parameter * @param f - fraction to multiply with * @return */ public Fraction multiply(Fraction f){ return new Fraction(numerator * f.numerator,denominator * f.denominator); } public Fraction multiply(int number){ return new Fraction(number * numerator, denominator); } /** * Divides the fraction with the fraction passed as a parameter * @param f - fraction to divide by * @return */ public Fraction devide(Fraction f){ return new Fraction(numerator * f.denominator, denominator * f.numerator); } public Fraction devide(int number){ return new Fraction (numerator, denominator * number); } /** * Divides the number with a fraction * @param number - number to be divided * @return */ public Fraction devideNumber(int number){ return new Fraction(denominator * number, numerator); } @Override public int intValue() { return numerator / denominator; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + denominator; result = prime * result + numerator; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Fraction other = (Fraction) obj; if (denominator != other.denominator) return false; if (numerator != other.numerator) return false; return true; } @Override public long longValue() { return (long) numerator / denominator; } @Override public float floatValue() { return (float) numerator / denominator; } @Override public double doubleValue() { return (double) numerator / denominator; } public int getNumerator() { return numerator; } public int getDenominator() { return denominator; } } } }Functions class:
package com.shimon.immutable.common; /** * This class is a library class, its methods solve the calculation of greatest common divisor and least common multiple. * @author shimon * */ public final class Functions { /** * Private constructor. */ private Functions(){} /** * Returns greatest common divisor of two numbers. * @param i1 - First number * @param i2 - Second number * @return - gcd */ public static int gcd(int i1, int i2){ i1 = Math.abs(i1); i2 = Math.abs(i2); while (i2 > 0){ int pom = i1 % i2; i1 = i2; i2 = pom; } return i1; } /** * Least common multiple of two numbers. * @param i1 - First number * @param i2 - Second number * @return lcm */ public static int lcm(int i1, int i2){ if ((i1 == 0) || (i2 == 0)) return 0; return i2 * Math.abs(i1) / gcd(i1,i2); } }Test class:
package com.shimon.immutable; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class FractionTest { private Fraction f; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { f = new Fraction(3, 5); } @Test public void testPlus(){ Fraction result = Fraction(1,2)); assertEquals(new Fraction(11,10), result); } @Test public void testMinus(){ Fraction result = f.minus(new Fraction(2,10)); assertEquals(new Fraction(2,5), result); } @Test public void testDivision(){ Fraction result = f.devide(new Fraction(6,4)); assertEquals(new Fraction(6,15), result); } @Test public void testMutliplication(){ Fraction result = f.multiply(new Fraction(5,6)); assertEquals(new Fraction(1,2), result); } }